The Transformation Process
We're simply not taught how to be happy. But beautiful soul, it is your birthright!
Don't waste years in therapy when you can change your life in a matter of weeks!
 The Transformation Process - is a comprehensive life-changing online self-study coaching programme for determined women ready to breakthrough!
  • ​Learn how to take control of your inner world and say goodbye to emotional overwhelm 
  • ​Learn how to switch off fight or flight mode so you can reset your nervous system and support your body to heal
  • ​Learn how to take your power back, so that YOU are the creator of your reality
  • ​Gain clarity and re-align with your higher purpose, calling and passion 
  • ​Learn how to stop living in the dramas of the PAST... 
  • ​Heal the root of all self-sabotage so you can finally let it go and move on with confidence
  • ​Uncover the true Source of Self-love and go from rock bottom to sky fucking high.
  • ​Learn how to receive what is rightfully yours; Financial, Sexual and Energetic Abundance!
  • ​Make deep energetic shifts so you can liberate your true self once and for all
  • ​Learn the tools and strategies to make aligned decisions with ease
  • ​Connect with your innate feminine energy - integrate ALL of you for total alignment
  • ​Learn to take rejection like a Warrior and come out winning!
  • ​Say goodbye to anxiety & panic - never run from fear again!
  • ​Experience Emotional Freedom & the power of True Vulnerability
  • ​Find your Authentic Voice and give yourself permission to use it- No more hiding!
  • ​Unlock the power of manifestation & turn your dreams into reality
  • ​Don't waste decades in therapy when you can breakthrough in weeks!
Here’s What My Clients Are Saying:
The week after my first session has been absolutely profound. I had no idea HOW POWERFUL this session would be and the waves it would cause. IT IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! I can feel and see clearly that a major positive life change has been kickstarted. I feel very empowered. I feel like I am coming back into my body, into the present moment. Like I am waking up. I feel a strong connection to the very core of me - like I haven’t since childhood. 

I feel stronger and more energetic about both life and career - I found my purpose again and the ENERGY! I’m meditating every morning before work...and I have to say...I get triggered way less easily and it’s amazing!!! As if I were above it! - Martina

I learnt the amazing ability to drop into my purpose, speak from the heart, to clear the programming and to reset my mindset. Joy, love, opportunity and aims in my heart following coaching with Ashlie, what a guide, always for others. Alex

This is THE MOST IMPORTANT WORK in ones life- to look at ones way of being, and changing stuck ways and freeing yourself from the habits that kept you back from your dreams. - Agnes
Can this programme really change my life?
YES! If you are DONE with suffering & ready to up-level your life!

What's Included in The Transformation Process?

  • ​Instant access to private online portal where I share EVERYTHING you need to completely transform your life, from the inside out.
  • ​All the information, tools and strategies that I use to achieve Deep Healing & FAST Results with my 1:1 clients
  • ​4 In Depth Transformation Modules (Plus 3 Bonus Modules!) sharing the tools, strategies & resources to take you from living in fear to complete FREEDOM. 
  • ​An integrated approach utilising High Performance Coaching Strategies, Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy and Spiritual Strength training, to guide you to living your life's PURPOSE with CONFIDENCE
  • ​Access to a high frequency Facebook Community so you can connect with other empowered women, share your journey, give and receive LOVING SUPPORT along the way. 
  • ​Impromptu coaching from ME in the facebook group - receive real time guidance, feedback and support!!