If you’re a woman ready to create a life you love, you won’t want to miss

The 21 Day Liberation Challenge
Starts June 1st 2022 with Ashlie Walker
Transformational Life Coach & Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist

You’re doing "all the things" but nothing is paying off. No wonder you sometimes feel frustrated & defeated. What if it was possible to make a few but important changes to dramatically improve your life? 
What if you committed to your growth for just 21 Days to reap the benefits for a lifetime.

Why You Aren’t Tapping Into Your Potential...

with Ease, Joy & Passion

You’ve done some groundwork, perhaps you have read the books, listened to the podcast... maybe even had some therapy... So what’s preventing you from actually creating a real and lasting change?

I believe we are simply not designed to breakthrough alone... nor can we breakthrough when we are not committed to EMBODY the change in real time.

We absolutely hold the key to our own breakthroughs, our inner knowing is STRONG... but sometimes we're so weighed down by our habits. So blinded by our limiting beliefs. So invested in our past story, we can't see a way through.

We are limited, not only by our internal habits and conditioned belief systems, but also by those around us... a fish can only grow as big as the pond it lives in!

This is where the 21 Day Liberation Challenge comes in!

Guided by me, and supported by a courageous group of women, you will be led through  a series of 21 exercises, challenges and tasks that are specifically designed to help you heal, snap out of the patterns of the past and propel you into a future you can feel proud of. This will be a space of limitless possibilities... no need to play small and no undermining your potential. Most importantly- this is a SAFE SPACE TO GROW!

The investment is just £21! It's a no brainer...

The 21 Day Liberation Challenge

Are you ready to exponentially propel your growth in just 21 days?

What To Expect

For 21 days you will be held in a supportive and encouraging online container. You will  be guided by professional life coach and cognitive behavioural hypnotherapist, Ashlie Walker, through a series of challenges designed to propel you into a state of deep growth & accelerate your expansion. From some seemingly simple tasks to some more profound challenges, you will get to know yourself (and what you are capable of) in a way you haven't before.
You will leave feeling LIBERATED! 

Who Should Attend

This is for you if you would like to add fuel to your fire, to re-ignite your inspiration and come back into contact with your HEART, your GRIT & your inner KNOWING. This is for determined women who are ready to commit to the challenge so they can create a life they love to live. Some challenges will take 10 minutes, others up to an hour. All can be completed despite location or financial situation. It is also a great way to feel the benefits of working with a life coach.

Who Should NOT Attend

This isn’t for you if you want to keep your problems, you have special excuses as to why it’s harder for you, or you have everything you’ve ever wanted! This isn't for you if you are embedded in 'isms'. The space is one of kindness, compassion, accountability and honesty. This isn't for you if you have an attitude of 'I know best & I'm sticking to what I know! We can't grow if we're not willing to challenge our assumptions and beliefs and we can't expand if we're not willing to get a little bit uncomfortable. Are you ready?

Who is Ashlie Walker?

I’m Ashlie Walker. Transformational Life Coach. Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist. Empowered Woman, Mum, Terrible Cook and Worse Time-keeper (just ask my husband!).

Importantly, I can help you discover how self-care is NOT selfish and self-sacrifice does NOT equate to love. If I can create a life of abundance, doing what I love, serving women and show up as a present mum for 2 kids… SO CAN YOU!

Beyond my trainings & degree in Psychology, you might be more interested in what really lead me here. The truth is, I’m not teaching from theory - but from lived experience. From rock bottom and burnt out to liberated, empowered and free. I healed from chronic illness, overwhelm, self-doubt and generalised anxiety disorder and tapped into my potential. I learnt to trust myself. To know my self-worth. And to not accept anything less.

Transcending fear is at the heart of the work I do; I show you how to make the momentum of fear work for you and overcome shame, doubt and suffering with renewed self-confidence.

My coaching allows you to truly embrace the fullness of being human so you can tap into your true potential- so you can create a life of abundance, joy and freedom. I found the key to unlocking my birthright...and now I help determined women to do the same! 

Don't waste any more time settling for less than you deserve!

Here’s What My Clients Are Saying

Find Out How YOU Can Break The Habits of A Lifetime

I teach women how to stop playing small by leaning into their innate power with confidence, courage and conviction. You are already powerfully manifesting with every breath. But if you want something you haven't had before, whether it is a certain relationship, career, body, lifestyle, bank account - then you are going to have to DO something you haven't done before! 

But where do you start?
We start with a 21 Day Liberation Challenge - where I will teach you to cut straight through the bullshit, so you can stop asking, 'Why isn't it happening for me?' and start taking control of your life… one breath at a time, one step at time, one day at a time. 

You don't even have to think about the 'how'. You just concentrate on the 'DOING'.

Being guided by a coach and supported in a group, purely dedicated to growth is an absolute game changer... 

This honest, playful and profound space is for you if... 
- You feel READY & committed to make real life CHANGES
- You know you have more potential that's waiting to be unleashed
- You are ready to overcome your fears that keep you playing small... 
- You are finally ready to receive real support and not go it alone

If you can relate to the above, then join my 21 Day Liberation Challenge where you will be held, guided and supported for 21 days to bring about real change into your life.
"The 21 Day Liberation Challenge" - ONLY £21
Fill in the Form Below To Join Us! 

Nothing Changes, if Nothing changes - Are you ready to shake things up for the better?